News and Commentary Links

Dr. Jane Xenos wrote a small manual explaining some osteopathic techniques you can do at home.

Order Manual Therapy: A Self-help Guide to Osteopathic Treatment from

About This Page

The links here are to sites that change frequently such as news, traffic and opinions. All of the links have been verified as of 11/11/08, and I was surprised by how many major organizations had changed their home page addresses.

Do we really need a page of links in these days of Google? Probably not, but the old page needed updating, so now it's updated. On the other hand, there have been no shortage of times that finding the right link has been a time consuming process, so this can help in that area.

Links categories on this page

Real News (Sometimes)
  News Summaries
  TV Network Home Pages
  Local (LA) News
    Wildfire information

Not Really the News
  Weird & Entertaining
  Fun Stuff


Real News (Sometimes)

News Summaries

TV Networks Home Pages

I made this list quite a while ago thinking of just the "major" networks. There are certainly many more of them giving news now.

Local News (Los Angeles Area)

Wildland Fire Status


Not Really the News

Weird & Entertaining


  • Drudge Report took over Cruel Site of the Day, which was a new bad site almost every day. Sad.
  • The Smoking Gun - It may not be a daily update, it seems somewhat random, but it is frequent.


Current Freeway Conditions

The California Department of Transportation used to have a page for traffic conditions for every major freeway. That was a long time ago, and real time maps have taken over. The best starting place for DOT information is now their travel page.

Home Page for YourFriendPaul