This page used to be just one big page called SiteMap. That used to mean you can find any page on the site from it, so I tried to included links to everything. I've noticed a lot of corporate sites no longer use it that way — they only show the pages that they want you to easily find. I'm being old school, so here are the leftovers.
- “The Front Door” is what I call the page you see if you go to YourFriendPaul.com/. It's a habit I should break. Another of those “cool when I first did it” things. Actually, it still is kind of cool, being done in JavaScript (for you techies). It's a moving graphic with a link to this page. The name made sense in those pre-Google days because you had to travel through it to get to any of the other pages. Now Google tells you the addresses of all the pages that lie beyond the home page.
- Health Care for All — Californian - a bill (SB 810) than enacts a single-payer health care system for California.
- Privacy, Censorship and Government. There's something we won't all agree on. The page probably hasn't been updated since 2000, but there are a couple of interesting articles and good links there.
Stale Leftovers: The Old Site
I'll admit it: I can't throw anything away. That seems to include old, obsolete web pages that I toiled on many years ago. Maybe it's the effort I put in. I sure haven't been able to use anything from them in years because it's so stale.
Some of the links on these pages no longer work because the sites no longer exist. They won't be updated or fixed; they're just here as an archive. This stuff was very state of the art when I did it, now it's common or looks dated. Having animated graphics and anything other than just text was pretty cool at the time I made them.
The old site entrance links to all the early pages. (Yes, the last modified date of 7/11/2001 is real, unless something was so broken that it couldn't be ignored.) The reason that it's no longer the entrance to this site is that some people couldn't find their way past the first screen. I didn't think it was complicated, but what do I know?
It's best to use old site entrance to view all of the old site rather than using the shortcuts listed below, but they're here just to give an idea of what this site used to be.
- Entertainment
- Link Page - the first page I did, just saving it for the links now.
- Carnivore Club
- Time Killers
- Reference
- News and Current References - News and frequently changing sources
- Reference - Dictionaries, search engines, etc.
- Geek Reference - Web design, specs, guides, etc.
Take a chance: links without labels. These pages are so old that many of
the links are probably broken.
- Too Many Monkeys
- Too Many Buttons — with fancy graphics! At least they were when I first made them.