so little writing. I’ve started a lot of things for this blog that don’t seem to get finished. Usually it’s a matter of more research, or clarifying, or substantiating facts. Then when it’s almost done, it’s too long to post and gets put aside. Or the computer crashes and the information from all the Explorer windows that are open gets lost. And since there are 23 of those open now, as well as 15 emails, I better start saving some of the info before it happens again.
There’s been lots of fun political stuff flying around lately. Former Terrorism Official Dick Clarke’s new book “Against All Enemies: Inside America’s War on Terror,” has been causing a fair amount of it. That’s kind of interesting because he’s not really saying much that hasn’t been said before, but he is a high level source. This is talked about in Slate’s overly longly titled article “Dick Clarke Is Telling the Truth Why he’s right about Bush’s negligence on terrorism”.
Then there’s Walter. I never thought of Cronkite as political because the was the unbiased source of news for so long. That’s certainly not what he is doing now in his columns which appear in the Denver Post. I’ve only read a few, my favorites are: The scariest idea of all which talks about the absurd Bush budget numbers, Dear Senator Kerry, about it being okay to be a liberal, and U.S. unintelligence, about CIA information and Bush’s use of it.
The scariest idea article reminds me that I started one about the budget. Walter, of course, made the points much better than I would, and really should be read if you only read one of them. Mine is long, includes lots about the national debt and how fast it is growing. I did research, computations, and found that once the numbers are adjusted for inflation, our $6.7 million million debt is a little more than 3 times what it was in 1950. Maybe it’s not as bad as I thought it was. Later that day the 1939 John Wayne classic Stagecoach was on. A banker complained about the horrible state of our national debt. I haven’t been able to get back to the research since hearing that.