England Visit

A Daily Show With Jon Stewart reran with this opening:

“We begin tonight with national security � an issue President Bush has emphasized here at home and is utterly disrupting across the Atlantic.  Tomorrow the president flies to England for a three-day state visit with coalition partner Tony Blair.  In preparation, British officials are stepping up security measures and putting more police on the streets than at any time since the end of World War II in anticipation of possible violence.  Remember, this is England… our ally [very long pause] � I guess all the cops and troops are there to make sure things don’t get too friendly.  … British Intelligence services have even taken the step of raising England’s terror alert level to ‘severe general’, which is � I hate the metric system � I think it is orange.” �Jon Stewart

Here are a couple of other good comments on the subject, all from Working For Change – Quote of the Day:

“President Bush and Queen Elizabeth have a lot in common — they both came into power without being elected.” �David Letterman

“President Bush says his visit to England is going so well, if time permits, he wants to visit the United Kingdom and Great Britain as well.” �Jay Leno