TerraServer gives quick access to aerial images and topo maps. They also used up part of my day by providing links to these other cool mapping pages:
Maptech has USGS Topo Maps, NOAA Nautical Charts, Aeronautical Charts, and Aerial Photos. Maps can be found for cities and states, zip codes, or by latitude and longitude.
TerraFly lets you “fly” over an area. Pick a starting point and a magnification, and then maneuver using directional controls. Very entertaining, but it stops after just a couple of minutes due to “user load”. It’s also linked to the census data: clicking on the image brings up another page of the data for the area, including a map of the data boundaries.
I found my house and data for an area of only 483 housing units that includes income, population, ethnicity and time travel to work, among others. 82½% in my area work within 45 minutes of home and none use public transportation. Not too surprising when the 1999 median household income was $96,300 and 86% have two or more vehicles per household. I don’t think I’m doing my part.