The mojo article is from CNN. I had assumed, without looking, that it was from The Onion. No, what follows is from The Onion. The text is copied here because Onion stuff goes away fairly quickly.
Limbaugh Says Drug Addiction A Remnant Of Clinton Administration
WEST PALM BEACH, FL�Frankly discussing his addiction to painkillers, conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh told his radio audience Monday that his abuse of OxyContin was a “remnant of the anything-goes ideology of the Clinton Administration.” “Friends, all I can say is ‘I told you so,'” said Limbaugh, from an undisclosed drug-treatment facility. “Were it not for Bill Clinton’s loose policies on drug offenders and his rampant immorality, I would not have found myself in this predicament.” Limbaugh added that he’s staying at a rehab center created by the tax-and-spend liberals.