But first, I must digress. Blogs make news travel in new ways. I was going to publish the following link last week but didn’t get around to it. Since that time, it has started ranking high in Google searches. The author has modified it a little because of all the activity.
I think that Blogs are largely responsible for much of the initial activity and then it mushrooms. First, the article is seen on a couple of the more trafficked Blogs. Then some of the Bloggers that see it on those sites link to it on their own sites, like I’m doing here. Because the number of links (from these other Blogs to the original site) go up, the Google rankings go up. People using Google tend to choose the highest rated link on the search results, which causes the ratings remain higher for longer. It’s sort of a phase two of the Slashdot Effect.
And with the digression over, check out the nice, concise Bush Resume. Here are the first few of his accomplishments that it lists:
- Attacked and took over two countries.
- Spent the surplus and bankrupted the treasury.
- Shattered record for biggest annual deficit in history.
- Set economic record for most private bankruptcies filed in any 12 month period.