It’s already allowed for some other crimes, now there’s a move in LA to confiscate the cars of drunk drivers when they are arrested.
Yeah, drunk driving is a bad thing, but this should really worry everybody. The police can make mistakes and, let’s face it, they aren’t all model cops. This would give them the right to stop you for whatever reason (which they can already do) and if they don’t like you and decide to arrest you for drunk driving, you lose your car. Or whoever’s car you happen to be driving.
No trial, no recourse. They auction the cars and keep the money, which provides the same motivation that exists in the drug forfeiture laws.
I could maybe see it for repeat offenders that are way above the limit, but I’ve know people that were arrested for two glasses of wine with dinner. DUIs are already a cash cow with the enormous fines, mandatory classes, etc., this is just more of the same.
The LA Times is the only one covering this so far, and their links are only good for about two weeks, but anyway it is here. Watch this one — it’s deserving of a revolt.