What do Gillian Anderson, Tori Amos, Christina Aguilera, Paula Abdul, Honore de Balzac (French writer), Rachael Leigh Cook (star of “She’s All That”), Sally Field, Buckminster Fuller (inventor of geodesic dome), Laura San Giacomo (star of tv’s “Just Shoot Me”), Gerry Halliwell (ex Spice Girl “Ginger Spice”), Avril Lavigne, Shakira, Dudley Moore, Elisabeth Shue, Paul Simon (of Simon and Garfunkel), Reese Whitherspoon, and Paul Williams (songwriter, actor) have in common?
They’re all one inch shorter than Sammy Davis Jr., Bo Derek, Judy Garland, Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Ghandi, Melissa Joan Hart (of tv’s “Sabrina, the Teenage Witch”), King Hussein (of Jordan), Nikita Khrushchev, Vivien Leigh, Natalie Portman, Mickey Rooney, and Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet, French writer)
Wow, Bo looks so much taller than Dudley. Learn more at FamousHeights.com